IMSC 2018: Combined Infrared and Ultraviolet Ablation Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Florence, Italy, August 27, 2018 Kermit K. Murray, Remi O. Lawal, and Fabrizio Donnarumma Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA Introduction We are using combined mid-infrared and deep-ultraviolet two-laser ablation coupled with electrospray ionization for ambient mass spectrometry of biomolecules in tissue. The goal is to increase nanoparticle production and improve …

Infrared laser ablation and capture of enzymes with conserved activity

Wang, K., Donnarumma, F., Baldone, M. D., & Murray, K. K. Infrared laser ablation and capture of enzymes with conserved activity. Anal Chim Acta, 1027, 41โ€“46 (2018). Abstract Infrared (IR) laser ablation at 3โ€ฏฮผm wavelength was used to extract enzymes from tissue and quantitatively determine their activity. Experiments were conducted with trypsin, which was ablated, …