Waters Synapt Instrument Funded by NIH

The proposal “Waters Synapt XS Mass Spectrometer for Louisiana State University” 1S10OD030429-01A1 with PI Kermit Murray has been funded by the National Institutes of Health was funded for $599,999. This proposal requests funding for a Waters Synapt XS mass spectrometer that will support biomedical research at Louisiana State University. The instrument will be placed in …

United States patent 11,371,913 Methods And Devices for Sample Capture Using Gas-Pulse Nanoparticle Displacement

Abstract Murray Kermit, K., Donnarumma, F., & Stephenson, J. (2022). US Patent No. US 11371913 B2. The present disclosure provides for sampling instruments and methods of collecting sample particles. The sampling instrument can include a high-pressure pulsed valve coupled to a gas flow system to displace a sample from a surface. Also included can be …

ASMS 2022: Resolution and Resolving Power Terminology in Mass Spectrometry

MP 113 MS Terms Wiki Resolution Term Resolving Power Term Premise Nomenclature inconsistencies and conflicts can best be resolved through a detailed understanding of the origin and development of terms. The goal of this project is to investigate the origins and use as well as prior and current definitions of resolution and resolving power in …