FreeBSD Version

FreeBSD Version

1999 FreeBSD Release

Readme File

 Originally written (in HP-2000 BASIC) by
      William K. Char, Perry Lee, and Dan Gee

 Rewritten in C by
      Dave Pare (sdcsvax!sdamos!mr-frog)
      Christopher Williams (ucbvax!ucbmerlin!williams)

 Corrected, Completed, and Enhanced by
      Jeff Okamoto    (ucbvax!okamoto)
      Peter Yee       (ucbvax!yee)
      Matt Dillon     (ucbvax!dillon)
      Dave Sharnoff   (ucbvax!ucbcory!muir)
      Joel Duisman    (ucbvax!duisman)

                               T R E K   7 3
                     A Star Trek(R) Battle Simulation

          Trek73 is a computer-simulated battle based on the famous
     Star Trek television series and the game Star Fleet Battles.  Via
     computer terminal, you can clash with enemy battle cruisers, such
     as Klingon D-7's and Romulan Sparrowhawks, and use the same stra-
     tegies that Captain Kirk has used.  Like Kirk, you control a
     Federation vessel similar to the Enterprise; a computer program
     directs the enemy.  Victory can fall into several categories:

          Decisive Victory -- You completely destroy or cripple the
     attacking force.

          Tactical Victory -- You out-maneuver the enemy using high-
     speed escapes, corbomite bluffs, `play dead' tactics; or the
     enemy surrenders.

          Moral Victory -- You surrender or self-destruct and destroy
     each other.

          All distances are measured in megameters, one million meters
     (abbreviated `M').  Speed is expressed in `warp factors'.  Each
     warp factor equals 100M per second.  All angles are expressed in
     common degrees from zero to 360, measured counter-clockwise from
     the x-axis, similar to reading a protractor.  Only two dimensions
     are used.

          Play is as follows:

          1.  You issue one of a number of commands (fire phasers,
     change course, launch antimatter pods, surrender, etc.) by typing
     the appropriate code number into the keyboard;

          2.  The enemy, under programmed instructions, issues a simi-
     lar command;

          3.  Both your commands are executed (phasers are fired,
     probes are launched, damages are assessed, courses changed, etc.)
     while the vessels move through space;

          4.  Unless certain end-game conditions are met (you destroy
     the enemy, the enemy destroys you, your out-maneuver the enemy,
     you both destroy each other, or one party surrenders) the above
     steps are repeated.

     Star  Trek  is  a  registered  trademark  of  Paramount
     Although technically incorrect, it does save the player
     from having to compute cube roots.
     This  saves the player from having to work out problems
     in spherical geometry.

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     STAR                                                         TREK

          Appendix 1 displays certain weapon and shield angles.

          Appendix 2 depicts the Enterprise's power circuits.

          Appendix 3 lists certain weapon and vessel specifications.

          Appendix 4 lists initial deployment of resources.

               CODE      COMMAND
               ====      =======

               1    Fire Phasers
               2    Fire Photon Torpedos
               3    Lock Phasers Onto Target
               4    Lock Tubes Onto Target
               5    Manually Rotate Phasers
               6    Manually Rotate Tubes
               7    *Phaser Status
               8    *Tube Status
               9    Load/Unload Torpedo Tubes
               10   Launch Antimatter Probe

               11   Probe Control (Detonate, Direct, Lock)
               12   *Position Report
               13   *Position Display
               14   Pursue An Enemy Vessel
               15   Run From An Enemy Vessel
               16   Manually Change Course And Speed
               17   *Damage Report
               18   Scan Enemy (Damage Report Of Enemy)
               19   Alter Power Distribution
               20   Alter Torpedo And Phaser Firing Parameters

               21   Jettison Engineering
               22   Detonate Engineering
               23   Attempt Defenseless Ruse
               24   Attempt Corbomite Bluff(s)
               25   Surrender
               26   Ask Enemy to Surrender
               27   Initiate Self-Destruct Sequence
               28   Abort Self-Destruct
               29   Survivors Report
               30   *Reprints Above List

               *Does Not Use A Turn

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     STAR                                                         TREK

                   Detailed Descriptions of Each Command

          What follows is a detailed description of each command.
     Each command is referred to by a number from 1 to 30.  After the
     name of the command is given, a synopsis of the arguments the
     command requires is given, if any.  These arguments can be
     entered on the command line, separated by a space, if you wish.
     For instance, to fire phasers 1 through 4 with a spread of 15,
     you could type '1 1234 15' on the command line.

     1.  Fire Phasers.
          [Phasers] [Spread]
          Phasers are pure energy units which emit a beam similar to
     lasers, but of a pulsating nature which can be `phased' to inter-
     fere with the wave pattern of any molecular form.  Phasers get
     their power from phaser banks, which in turn, derive their power
     from the ship's engines.  Each phaser bank is capable of holding
     a charge of 10 units.  When firing, these banks discharge, simi-
     lar to batteries, to spread their destructive power through
     space.  After discharging, these banks are then recharged by the
     engines.  Each phaser can be set to automatically track a target
     or can be manually rotated.  Unless engineering is jettisoned
     (code 21), phasers only fire from 0-125 and 235-360 degrees,
     relative to the ship's course.  In other words, each vessel has a
     110 degree blind side in back of it in which phasers cannot fire.
     If phasers fired into this blind side, they would destroy the
     ship's engineering section.

          The Captain also designates a wide or narrow phaser beam: a
     wide beam to disrupt many targets; a narrow beam to inflict max-
     imum damage on a single target.  The maximum spread of phasers is
     45 degrees, the minimum is 10 degrees.  The total beam width is
     twice the designated spread.

          The firing percentage of each bank is preset to 100.  In
     other words, the bank fully discharges when firing.  This can be
     changed, however, using code 22.

          The maximum range of phasers is 1000M; the maximum hit fac-
     tor is 45 with a ten degree spread, 10 with a forty-five degree
     spread.  Phaser hit factors are calculated by the following for-

          hit = (bankunits)(firing%)sqrt(1-range/1000)(45/spread)

          Phasers fire in .2-second intervals starting with bank one.
     Phasers inflict heavy damage and casualties, but do not destroy
     shields as much as antimatter explosions do.

          A phaser is unable to fire if damaged, if firing into your
     blind side, or if completely discharged.

     2.  Fire Photon Torpedos.

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     STAR                                                         TREK

          The Enterprise is equipped with six torpedo tubes, which, as
     phasers, can be set to automatically track a target or be manu-
     ally rotated.  Unless engineering is jettisoned, tubes only fire
     from 0-135 and 225-360 degrees.  Each tube fires all its
     antimatter pods, which are temporarily held suspended in a
     magno-photon force field.  Photon torpedos can be fired directly
     at an enemy, laid out as a mine field, or scattered in an
     attacker's path as depth charges.

          Tubes must be loaded (code 9) prior to firing.  Each tube
     will be automatically loaded with 10 units or whatever remains in
     the engines, whichever is less.  Normally, torpedos are launched
     at warp 12 in .2-second intervals, beginning with tube one.  Pho-
     ton torpedos have a proximity fuse of 200M.  All of these values
     can be changed by using code 22.

          Torpedos must be launched with care since the antimatter
     pods which are fired can never be recovered.  It is suggested
     that you not fire more than four torpedos at any one time, since
     a certain number of them do miss, or are destroyed by the enemy
     firing phasers at them.  It is also suggested that you fire them
     at distant targets, beyond 1100M, to avoid the explosion radii of
     your own weapons.  Hit factors resulting from antimatter explo-
     sions are calculated as follows:

         hit = 5(#podscontained)sqrt(1-range/(55(#podscontained)))

          The maximum hit factor of an antimatter device is five times
     the number of pods contained (in the case of torpedos, 50); its
     explosion radius is 50 time the number of pods contained (in the
     case of torpedos, 500).  Antimatter explosions heavily weaken
     shields but do not damage equipment as much as phasers do.  This
     formula also applies to vessels, engineering sections, and
     antimatter probe explosions.

          Tubes are unable to fire if damaged, if firing into your
     blind side, or if unloaded.

     3.  Lock Phasers.
          [Phasers] [Target Name]
          Phasers locked on an enemy vessel will automatically aim
     towards it.  Although phasers may track a vessel which is in the
     firing blind side, they will not fire unless engineering is jet-
     tisoned.  To fire at vessels behind, simply change course at
     least 50 degrees.  Once a phaser is locked, it is not disengaged
     until the target is destroyed (in which case it is then rotated
     to zero degrees relative), relocked, manually over-ridden, or

     4.  Lock Tubes.
          [Tubes] [Target Name]
          Tubes lock and unlock in the same manner that phasers do.

     5.  Manually Rotate Phasers.

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     STAR                                                         TREK

          [Phasers] [Bearing]
          Manually rotating phasers disengages any previous locks and
     positions them as directed, relative to your course.  For exam-
     ple, if your course is 30, and phasers are rotated 45 degrees,
     they will hit a target bearing 75 degrees.  Rotating phasers into
     you blind side is permissible, however, they will not fire.

     6.  Manually Rotate Tubes.
          [Tubes] [Bearing]
          Manually rotating tubes is similar to rotating phasers.

     7.  Phaser Status.
          Phaser status reports the control (locks and damages),
     deployment, levels, firing percentages (normally 100), and
     charge/discharge rates (normally +10) of all phasers.

     8.  Tube Status.
          Tube status reports the control, deployment, tube levels,
     launch speeds (normally 12), proximity delays (normally 200), and
     the time delays (normally 10).

     9.  Load/Unload Tubes.
          [l | u] [Tubes]
          Tubes are loaded with 10 charged antimatter pods until your
     fuel runs out.  Tubes can also be unloaded if the need arises.

     10.  Launch Antimatter Probe.
          [Pods] [Time] [Proximity] [Target | [ Course]]
          Probes are slow-moving devices equipped with internal gui-
     dance systems which allow them to chase an enemy vessel.  Probes
     consist of at least ten antimatter pods which are launched from
     an undamaged probe launcher at warp three.  As with torpedos,
     probes are set with time and proximity fuses, and use the same
     hit factor formula as do torpedos.

     11.  Probe Control.
          [y | [n [Probe] [y | [n [Target | [ Course]]]]]]
          Probe control allows you to detonate or redirect probes
     which may have missed.

     12.  Position Report.
          Position reports are vital since valuable information on
     courses, bearings and ranges are given to aid the formation of
     good strategy.  This order does not use a turn.

     13.  Position Display.
          [Radius of scan]
          Position displays, similar to radar scans, show objects
     which surround your vessel.  The Enterprise is indicated by a
     `+', jettisoned engineering sections by a `#', probes by a `*',
     torpedos by a `:', and enemy vessels by the first letter of their

     14.  Pursue An Enemy Vessel.

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     STAR                                                         TREK

          [Target Name] [Warp Factor]
          This order instructs the ship's navigation to face an enemy
     vessel whenever possible.

     15.  Run From An Enemy Vessel.
          [Target Name] [Warp Factor]
          This order, just the opposite of order #14, instructs the
     navigation to keep the stern of the Enterprise towards an enemy
     vessel whenever possible.

     16.  Manually Change Course and Speed.
          [Course] [Warp Factor]
          This order instructs navigation to maintain a fixed course
     and speed.  The following information applies to the above three

          Your maximum rotation rate when turning is:
                 degrees per sec = 5 * (12 - desired warp)

          Accordingly, you can turn 55 degrees at warp one, 50 at warp
     two, ..., up to 15 degrees at warp nine.  In other words, the
     faster your speed, the less maneuverable you are.  You are also
     less maneuverable if you lose your warp drive.  Your maximum
     speed is warp nine, the enemy's is warp eleven.

     17.  Damage Report.
          This report informs you of certain equipment status.  A mal-
     functioning computer (very rare) make orders 3 (lock phasers), 4
     (lock torpedos), 14 (pursue), 15 (run), 27 (initiate self-
     destruct), and 28 (abort self-destruct) impossible to execute.
     You will be required to manually rotate phasers and torpedos, and
     manually change course and speed.  Damaged sensors (rare) makes
     orders 13 (position report) and 18 (scan) impossible.  A damaged
     probe launcher (sometimes) prevents you from launching probes.  A
     disabled warp drive (common) slows your speed and maneuverabil-
     ity.  See order #20 about jettisoned engineering section.  When
     your crew of 450 dies, your vessel is as good as dead.  There are
     350 men aboard each enemy vessel.

          Shield percentage is calculated by its energy drain times
     its operating efficiency.  Efficiency starts at 100 and declines
     with each hit.  No damages of any kind are incurred when a shield
     absorbs its first hit, no matter how great the hit.  Shield one
     is 1.5 times as strong as the other three shields.

          `Efficiency' indicates the number of energy units being
     burned per warp-second.  This number is initially one (.75 for
     enemy) and increases per hit.

          `Regeneration' indicates the number of energy units being
     gained per second.  Initially set at 10, this number decreases
     per hit.

          `Fuel capacity' indicates the number of matter-antimatter

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     STAR                                                         TREK

     pods a vessel has aboard.  This number rapidly decreases with
     each torpedo or probe fired.

          `Fuel' indicates the number of matter-antimatter pods which
     are filled with energy.  This number rapidly decreases when main-
     taining high warp speeds or firing phasers.

     18.  Scan Enemy (Damage Report of Enemy).
          [Ship Name]
          An enemy damage report is essentially the same as the

     19.  Alter Power Distribution.
          [Shld 1 drain [* | ... Sh 4]] [Phsr 1 drain [* | ... Ph 4]]
          The synopsis of this command can be confusing.  The first
     set of numbers gives the drains for each shield.  All four shield
     drains can be specified, but if a star is used immediately after
     a shield drain (eg, 19 0.5 1*), then the remaining shields will
     all be given a drain equal to the number preceding the '*'.
     (Thus, in the above example, shield 1's drain is 0.5, whereas
     shields 2, 3, and 4 have a drain of 1).  The same applies to the
     phaser drains.

          The power circuits of all vessels are illustrated in appen-
     dix 2.  Dilithium crystals produce energy much like generators.
     This power is then used to maintain warp speeds, recharge
     antimatter pods in the engine reserve, recharge phaser banks, or
     maintain shield power.  Your initial regeneration is ten, how-
     ever, shields normally drain four units and engines burn one unit
     per each warp-second.

          Shields can be thought of as electro-magnets.  The more
     energy put into them, the stringer their force field becomes.
     Therefore, a shield's overall percentage is calculated by the
     following formula:

               shield percentage = (energy in)(effective %)

          Notice that dropping power to a shield has the same effect
     as having it hit.  Notice also that if your regeneration drops
     below four, you may have to discharge your phaser banks to main-
     tain full shield power.

          Phaser banks, similar to batteries, not only discharge (when
     firing), but also recharge.  Initially, they are set to recharge
     fully in one second (+10) so that you can continually use them.
     However, they can discharge fully (-10) in one second to provide
     extra power to shields, warp engines, or engine reserve.

          Under most conditions, you need not concern yourself with
     power distribution unless some special need arises.  Distribu-
     tion, for the most part, is automatic.  Regeneration is calcu-
     lated first; that power is placed in reserve, along with any
     discharged phaser units.  Shield drain is calculated next, then

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     STAR                                                         TREK

     phaser and engine drains.

          Be concerned with wasting power by indiscriminately firing
     phasers and torpedos, maintaining speeds over warp three, or
     dumping scores of units onto antimatter probes.  Huge power
     losses cannot be made up in battle.

     20.  Jettison Engineering.
          Although this order was never executed in the television
     series, it is quite possible, according to its producer.  Jettis-
     oning engineering has serious consequences, but it may be your
     only course of action.

          One would jettison engineering if being pursed by vessels,
     probes or torpedos, or as a suicidal gesture.

          The following things happen when engineering is jettisoned:
     A: You lose all your fuel and reserve capacity; B: you lose your
     regeneration; C: you lose your warp drive; D: your lose your
     probe launcher; E: you lose your shields until you designate
     phasers to discharge; F: the engineering section itself
     decelerates to a stop; G: a ten second time delay on it is set;
     H: hopefully, when it does explode, you are far from its effects;
     I: your phasers and torpedos are now free to fire in any direc-

     21.  Detonate Engineering.
          [nothing | [y | n]]
          This order, issued after the previous one, manually
     detonates your engineering section.  It may also be issued
     without the previous order, in which case you will be asked to
     confirm your (crazy) order.

     22.  Alter Torpedo And Phaser Firing Parameters.
          [[y [Launch Speed] [Time Delay] [Proximity Fuse]] | n] [[y
     [Firing Percentage]] | n]
          This option allows you to change the launch speeds, time and
     proximity delays of all torpedos.  At the beginning of play, tor-
     pedos are launched at warp twelve, have ten second time fuses,
     and 200M proximity fuses.  Any vessel or engineering section
     which comes within the proximity range will cause the torpedo to

          Phaser firing percentages can also be altered.  A phaser
     bank need not fire its full charge.

     23.  Defenseless Ruse.
          [e | p]
          Another name for this tactic is `playing dead'.  When
     issued, your shields are dropped to zero, and power is diverted
     to your engines or phaser banks.  Hopefully, the enemy will
     believe you dead and come too close or break off their attack.
     You should then be able to fire or run in the opposite direction.

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     STAR                                                         TREK

     24.  Attempt Corbomite Bluff(s).  There were two corbomite bluffs
     in the television series; one was against a midget operating a
     huge space vessel the other was against Romulan attackers.  Both
     have been incorporated into this game.  Whichever bluff issued is
     selected randomly.

     25.  Surrender, If Possible.
          This order sends a message to the enemy, saying that you
     wish to surrender.  The enemy will then decide whether or not
     take you alive.  You will have difficulty surrendering to Romu-
     lans, who have never accepted one.

     26.  Ask Enemy To Surrender.
          This order ends a message to the enemy demanding that they
     surrender.  Please bear in mind that Romulans are the most suici-

     27.  Initiate Self-Destruct.
          This order activates a twenty-second self-destruct sequence.
     Because final destruct does not occur until ten turns after ini-
     tialization, it is best to start it early, if at all.  When you
     do explode, you hope that you explosive force will also destroy
     your attackers.

     28.  Abort Self-Destruct.
          This order, issued after the previous one, halts the des-
     truct sequence.  Self-destruct cannot be aborted withing five
     seconds to detonation.

     29.  Survivors Report
          This order prints out the number of survivors on board all
     the ships.  This order does not use a turn.

     30.  Reprint Above List.
          This option, which does not use a turn, lists code numbers
     and associated descriptions of each.

     31 And Up.
          Future options, currently being designed in Trek74, will
     include Dr. Daystrom's paranoid, M5 multi-tronics computer which
     will take over while you relax; or battle someone else who is on
     another terminal; or battle in teams; or have a free-for-all
     against nine other starships.

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     STAR                                                         TREK


          In TREK73, all the names are taken from the series Star
     Trek.  Through the use of options, the names can be changed to
     whatever you want.

          To use the options, you must add the variable TREK73OPTS to
     your environment.  A sample would be (using the C-shell):

     setenv TREK73OPTS 'name=Jerk, ship=Boobyprize, terse'

          The option string is a list of comma-separated options.
     Options are designated as either boolean or string options.
     Boolean options are turned on by typing their name and turned off
     by prepending 'no' to them.  String options are set equal to the
     string which follows the "=".

          There follows a list of all the options, what type it is,
     and an explanation of what they mean.  The default for the option
     is in square brackets following the option.

     terse BOOLEAN [noterse]This option, when set, turns off the
          information regarding the ship's purpose in the area.  It
          thus reduces the amount of drek on the screen.  If you are
          on a slow terminal, this is a nice option to have set.

     shipname STRING [Enterprise]This option names your ship.

     name STRINGThis option names the captain of the ship.  If this
          option is not set, then the program will ask for a name.
          The captain is the one who must make all the decisions of
          strategy and tactics for the ship.

     sex STRINGThis option gives the captain a gender.  If this option
          is not set, the program will ask for it's value.  If you
          respond with something that starts with other than "m" or
          "f", beware!

     science STRING [Spock]This option names the science officer, who
          is responsible for checking the parameters of the captain's
          commands.  It is also this officer's duty to report damage
          to the ship as well as scan for enemy damage.

     engineer STRING [Scott]This option names the chief engineer of
          the ship.  It is this officer's duty to report on the status
          of the ship, especially its energy supply and distribution
          of the same.  The officer also controls the launching of
          anti-matter probes.

     helmsman STRING [Sulu]This option names the ship's helmsman.
          This officer's duty is to control the speed of the ship and
          also controls the firing of the ship's weapons.

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     STAR                                                         TREK

     nav STRING [Chekov]This option names the ship's navigator, who is
          responsible for the navigation of the ship.  This officer
          makes changes to the ship's course as directed by the cap-
          tain.  This officer also controls any anti-matter probes
          after they have been launched.

     com STRING [Uhura]This option names the ship's communications
          officer.  It is the duty of this officer to handle all com-
          munications between the ship and the rest of the universe.

     ships STRINGThis option, if set, tells the program how many ships
          you wish to fight.  If it is not set, then the program will

     enemy STRING [random]If this option is set, it tells the program
          which race you wish to fight.  The available races are:
          Klingon, Romulan, Kzinti, Gorn, Orion, Hydran, Lyran, or
          Tholian.  If the option is not set, the race you will fight
          is chosen at random.

     foename STRING [random]If this option is set, it specifies the
          name of the commander of the enemy ship(s).  If this option
          is not specified, the name is chosen at random.

     silly BOOLEAN [nosilly]If this option is set, an additional race
          is added to the list of possible races to fight.  This race
          is the Monty Pythons.  Note that if you wish to always fight
          the Monty Python's, you merely have to set the enemy option

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     STAR                                                         TREK

                                Simple Strategy

          If you are a beginner, a simple strategy to follow is A:
     fight only one attacker; B: pursue him (code 14) at warp factor
     one; C: lock on all phasers (code 3); D: continuously take posi-
     tion reports (code 12) and watch his range; E: when he gets
     within 1000M, fire all phasers (code 1) and keep on firing when
     he is in range; F: When the enemy is out of range, take damage
     reports and scans of the enemy (codes 17 and 18).

          After a few trial games using the above strategy, you will
     want to become as efficient as the enemy at firing photon tor-
     pedos.  Finally, when you master launching antimatter probes, you
     can designate more that one attacker.

                             Trek73's History

          Trek73 was programmed on a Hewlett-Packard 2000C system by
     William K. Char, Perry Lee, and Dan Gee.  In January, 1973, Mr.
     Char started with a few ideas and five months later, in May,
     introduced $SPACE, his first version.

          Space had only 14 commands and comprised one 10K program.
     Response was so great that new ideas flooded in and in June, work
     on Trek73 was begun.  Over 70 recordings of past shows were
     reviewed to reconstruct dialogue and vessels.  On October 8,
     1973, Trek73 was introduced.

          In 1984, Dave Pare at Univeristy of California at San Diego
     and Chris Williams at the University of California at Berkeley
     independently translated the BASIC code into C to run under BSD

          In April 1985, Jeff Okamoto and Peter Yee, both at the
     University of California at Berkeley combined the two versions
     into one, fixing bugs and adding new commands.  The user-settable
     options were also added.

          Ideas and bug reports should be sent to:
     ARPA: okamoto@BERKELEY and yee@BERKELEY
     UUCP: ..!ucbvax!okamoto and ..!ucbvax!yee

     UNIX is a registered trademark of Bell Laboratories.

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     STAR                                                         TREK

                                APPENDIX 1

                  Secondary Hull                        Primary Hull
     :-----------------------------------------\   | .5  |      . . . .
     ::           N C C - 1 7 0 1              |}  |0 / 1|---< . . . . .
     ::________________________________________/   |     |      . . . .
                 warp engines     ^                | .5  |      . . . .
                                 +++               |0 / 1|---< . . . . .
       =====                      | fuel           |     |      . . . .
        |+|             +       OOOOO reserve      | .5  |      . . . .
        |+| ---------> +++ ---> OOOOO --- +++ ---> |0 / 1|---< . . . . .
      -------           +       *****              |     |      . . . .
      |     |                   *****       shield | .5  |      . . . .
      -------                     |  \     control |0 / 1|---< . . . . .
     dilithium                    *   \            -------      . . . .
     crystal                     ***  +++                       shields
     generator                    *     \phaser control
                                  |      --------                 : : :
                                  |      |-10/10|-OOOO>. . : : : | : :
             <***:   <[=====| <---+      |-10/10|-**OO>. . :      : : :
             probe   launcher     |      |-10/10|-****>
                                  V      |-10/10|-****>
                            =*******=    -------- phaser banks
                    photon  =*****===
                   torpedo  =**======
                     tubes  =======******
                            =========  *******
                            =========        ********
     + Energy unit
     O Matter-anti-matter pod
     * Filled matter-anti-matter pod
     ---+++---> Energy transfer
     ---***---> Pod transfer

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     STAR                                                         TREK

                                APPENDIX 2

                                       Shield 2
                             135            90
                            ,,''\   .Phaser.Firing An``,,  45
                          ,'     \ \125              gles`,/
                        ,'        \. . Torpedo.          . `,
        :------------------------\ \135_-----_ Fir        .  ,
        :________________________/   _-     1 -_ ing       .  `
                      |    ||       /        0  \ Angles   .  |
               Shield |  ,_^^_____/|      _   7  | .       .  | Shield
                  -180| [          {     (o)   1 } .       .  |0-
                 3    |  `-vv-----\|      -   C  | .       .  |   1
                      |    ||       \        C  /  .       .  |
        :-----------------------\    -_     N _-  .        .  ,
        :_______________________/      -_____-   .       .   '
                        `,       /225. . . . . .       .   ,'
                          `,    /                    .   ,' \
                            ``,/ /235. . . . . . . . ,,''   315
                             225            270
                                               Shield 4

                                  - 14 -

     STAR                                                         TREK

                                APPENDIX 3
                     Weapon And Vessel Specifications
              Enemy exceptions are enclosed within [brackets]

                          Number of banks     4
                                Max range     1000 megameters
                               Max spread     90 degrees (45+45)
                               Min spread     20 degrees (10+10)
            Max hit with 45 degree spread     10
            Max hit with 10 degree spread     45
                 Loss of shield 1 per hit     hit/4.5
            Loss of shields 2-3-4 per hit     hit/3
           Firing angles with engineering     0-125, 235-360 degrees
                      Max charge per bank     10 units
             Min charge or discharge time     1 sec

                          Number of tubes     6
                                Max range     12,000 megameters
                         max launch speed     warp 12
                           Max time delay     10 seconds
                      Max proximity delay     500M
                     Max explosion radius     500M
              Max number of pods launched     10
                           Max hit factor     50
                 Loss of shield 1 per hit     hit/3
            Loss of shields 2-3-4 per hit     hit/2
           Firing angles with engineering     0-135, 225-360 degrees

                Number of probe launchers     1
                                Max range     3000M
                         Max launch speed     2
                           Max time delay     15 sec
                      Max proximity delay     any
                     Max explosion radius     50 times number of pods
                        Max pods launched     fuel available
                           Max hit factor     10 times number of pods
                  Loss of shields per hit     same as torpedos
           Firing angles with engineering     all

                         Max turning rate     50 degrees
                                Max speed     warp 99 [11]
         Min units burned per warp-second     1 [.75]
                                     Crew     450 d[350]

                                APPENDIX 4

                             Initial Settings

                                  - 15 -

     STAR                                                         TREK

              Enemy exceptions are enclosed within [brackets]

                                     Crew     450 [350]
                                    Speed     1000 megameters
                                   Course     0 [0-360] degrees
                        Engine Efficiency     1 [.75]
                               Fuel Level     150
                            Fuel Capacity     200
             Regeneration Rate per Second     10
                                Helm Lock     None [Federation Vessel]
                        Phaser Deployment     90, 0, 0, 270
                       Phaser Bank Levels     4 x 10 units
            Phaser Charge/Discharge Rates     4 x 10 units
                             Shield Drain     4 x 1 units
                        Shield Percentage     4 x 100
                       Torpedo Deployment     120, 60, 0, 0, 300, 240
                              Tube Levels     6 x Zero
             Total Charged Pods Available     190

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