• Mascot Newsletter, February 2025:Mascot vs FragPipe: semi-tryptic TMTpro.Characterization of the noncanonical proteome.Mascot Server 3.1 is now available.#proteomics #MassSpechttps://www.matrixscience.com/nl/202502/newsletter.html
  • Mascot Distiller can now use machine learning to boost sensitivity of protein quantitation. We processed a Thermo Orbitrap DDA LFQ benchmark data set, where Distiller now quantitates 14% more proteins at 1% FDR.#proteomics #MassSpechttps://www.matrixscience.com/blog/mascot-distiller-quantitates-more-proteins-with-machine-learning.html
  • I am super excited to be an invited speaker at AUS-oMicS 2025 in beautiful Cairns. I'll be talking about my work using mass spectrometry to track pollutants in the environment and assess their effects on biological systems via #metabolomics. The oral abstract submission deadline has been extended until February 14th 2025. Submit yours today and register at https://www.ausomics.comSee you there!#TeamMassSpec #massspectrometry #massspec #ozchem #science #australia
  • Do you use Thermo Proteome Discoverer with Mascot Server? Mascot Server 3.1 can now send results refined with machine learning directly to PD.PD 3.1: Identify over 20% more proteins.PD 2.4: Identify over 40% more proteins.#proteomics #MassSpechttps://www.matrixscience.com/blog/using-machine-learning-with-mascot-and-proteome-discoverer.html
  • Having a great time at the #EuBIC2025 developers meeting with our #SpectriPy hackathon for combined #rstats / #Python #MassSpec data analysis. Here part of our team on a short hike ⛰️ to get some fresh air for our 🧠
  • Mascot Server 3.1 is a patch release that enhances integration with Thermo Proteome Discoverer and fixes a few important bugs introduced in Mascot Server 3.0. You can now import refined results directly from Mascot into PD.#proteomics #MassSpechttps://www.matrixscience.com/help/mascot_server_3_1_release.html
  • In this new #JIPB invited expert review, Sang et al. explore the role of #MassSpectrometry-based #proteomics as powerful analytics tools to further #PlantScience research.https://doi.org/10.1111/jipb.13841 @wileyplantsci #plant #botany #massspec
  • Mascot Newsletter, January 2025:Learn how Mascot uses machine learning.Characterising a bacterial microcompartment.Mascot protein inference.https://www.matrixscience.com/nl/202501/newsletter.html#proteomics #MassSpec
  • Mascot Server has a lot of functionality and it's sometimes hard to know where to start. The online help now has a table of example data sets shipped with Mascot, including links to the corresponding help topics.https://www.matrixscience.com/help.html#EXAMPLES#proteomics #MassSpec
  • If a peptide has two serines and a single phosphate, site assignment may be ambiguous. Mascot helps by calculating a site localisation confidence, where the assignment with more MS/MS evidence gets higher confidence.https://www.matrixscience.com/help/site_analysis_help.html#proteomics #MassSpec
  • Database searches with semi-specific enzyme traditionally have low sensitivity due to the large search space. Except, Mascot Server 3.0 includes MS²PIP, which boosts sensitivity. We've compared the results to a recent FragPipe publication.https://www.matrixscience.com/blog/mascot-vs-fragpipe-uncovering-endogenous-proteolytic-processing.html#proteomics #massspec
  • Mascot Newsletter, December 2024:Predicted fragment intensities with Mascot Server 3.0.Self-ligating surface receptor and CD8+ T-cells.Saving search results as HTML.https://www.matrixscience.com/nl/202412/newsletter.html#proteomics #massspec

  • Mascot Newsletter, February 2025:Mascot vs FragPipe: semi-tryptic TMTpro.Characterization of the noncanonical proteome.Mascot Server 3.1 is now available.#proteomics #MassSpechttps://www.matrixscience.com/nl/202502/newsletter.html
  • Mascot Distiller can now use machine learning to boost sensitivity of protein quantitation. We processed a Thermo Orbitrap DDA LFQ benchmark data set, where Distiller now quantitates 14% more proteins at 1% FDR.#proteomics #MassSpechttps://www.matrixscience.com/blog/mascot-distiller-quantitates-more-proteins-with-machine-learning.html
  • I am super excited to be an invited speaker at AUS-oMicS 2025 in beautiful Cairns. I'll be talking about my work using mass spectrometry to track pollutants in the environment and assess their effects on biological systems via #metabolomics. The oral abstract submission deadline has been extended until February 14th 2025. Submit yours today and register at https://www.ausomics.comSee you there!#TeamMassSpec #massspectrometry #massspec #ozchem #science #australia
  • Do you use Thermo Proteome Discoverer with Mascot Server? Mascot Server 3.1 can now send results refined with machine learning directly to PD.PD 3.1: Identify over 20% more proteins.PD 2.4: Identify over 40% more proteins.#proteomics #MassSpechttps://www.matrixscience.com/blog/using-machine-learning-with-mascot-and-proteome-discoverer.html
  • Having a great time at the #EuBIC2025 developers meeting with our #SpectriPy hackathon for combined #rstats / #Python #MassSpec data analysis. Here part of our team on a short hike ⛰️ to get some fresh air for our 🧠
  • Mascot Server 3.1 is a patch release that enhances integration with Thermo Proteome Discoverer and fixes a few important bugs introduced in Mascot Server 3.0. You can now import refined results directly from Mascot into PD.#proteomics #MassSpechttps://www.matrixscience.com/help/mascot_server_3_1_release.html
  • In this new #JIPB invited expert review, Sang et al. explore the role of #MassSpectrometry-based #proteomics as powerful analytics tools to further #PlantScience research.https://doi.org/10.1111/jipb.13841 @wileyplantsci #plant #botany #massspec
  • Mascot Newsletter, January 2025:Learn how Mascot uses machine learning.Characterising a bacterial microcompartment.Mascot protein inference.https://www.matrixscience.com/nl/202501/newsletter.html#proteomics #MassSpec
  • Mascot Server has a lot of functionality and it's sometimes hard to know where to start. The online help now has a table of example data sets shipped with Mascot, including links to the corresponding help topics.https://www.matrixscience.com/help.html#EXAMPLES#proteomics #MassSpec
  • If a peptide has two serines and a single phosphate, site assignment may be ambiguous. Mascot helps by calculating a site localisation confidence, where the assignment with more MS/MS evidence gets higher confidence.https://www.matrixscience.com/help/site_analysis_help.html#proteomics #MassSpec
  • Database searches with semi-specific enzyme traditionally have low sensitivity due to the large search space. Except, Mascot Server 3.0 includes MS²PIP, which boosts sensitivity. We've compared the results to a recent FragPipe publication.https://www.matrixscience.com/blog/mascot-vs-fragpipe-uncovering-endogenous-proteolytic-processing.html#proteomics #massspec
  • Mascot Newsletter, December 2024:Predicted fragment intensities with Mascot Server 3.0.Self-ligating surface receptor and CD8+ T-cells.Saving search results as HTML.https://www.matrixscience.com/nl/202412/newsletter.html#proteomics #massspec

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