• On March 10-11 the @tgx_um group at Maastricht University (The Netherlands) is organizing a Chemistry Development Kit 2025 User Group Meeting: https://cdk.github.io/nwo-openscience-2024/The two day event will include a day where developers and users can present their CDK work, and a day where we can hack on CDK (using) code.The meeting is funding by the Dutch Research Council, https://www.nwo.nl/en/projects/osf232097#chemistry #cheminformatics #openscience
  • Why there's more to the viral plastic kitchen utensil story than first thoughtBy Elise Worthington and Paige CockburnChemosphere – a peer-reviewed scientific journal – was forced to issue a correction after scientists made a major error calculating the toxicity of black plastic kitchen utensils.https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-01-23/black-plastics-in-kitchen-utensils-research-paper-error/104846488#Health #AcademicResearch #Pollution #Chemistry #EliseWorthington #PaigeCockburn
  • Does anyone know if any of the handful of chemical drawing suites available to linux users can take chemdraw settings files or do you have to input everything from scratch (I use the settings that were originally customized by EJ Corey's lab and the original file I was give was labeled "tuesday group sett", it's highly customized for readability, particularly as a presentation)#Chemistry #ChemiVerse
  • A magnificent Lecture on Ultima Thule the furthest object Homo Sapiens ever looked athttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5P_6huIJm0#NASA #space #Cosmos #Photography #Physics #Chemistry
  • @minouette The #MolViz method used to render the reactive sites of the cobalt ion bound in #vitaminB12 and its #quantum #chemistry significance are briefly discussed in this “#Science in #culture “ essay by Oxford #Art #Historian Martin Kemp 👉 https://www.nature.com/articles/35088116
  • @minouette Speaking of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, cobalt and vitamin B12, here’s a rendering of the ‘lumps and holes’ in the Co(+3) ion in cyanocobalamin, and a link to it doing a lovely pirouette!#biochemistry #chemistry #MolViz #SciViz https://youtu.be/zLyyQh-e9lM?feature=shared
  • Working on my next print for #printersolstice2425 prompt cobalt. All animals need cobalt for metabolism, even if it’s an ultratrace element in us. We need it as cobalamin aka vitamin B12. So I’m working on another scientist portrait: x-ray crystallographer & chemist Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin (1910-1994) who won the Nobel for determining the structure of bio molecules vitamin B12, penicillin & insulin. #linocut #printmaking #wip #sciart #histsci #chemistry #chemist #crystallography #womenInSTEM
  • Hi everyone, the abstract submission deadline (14 February 2025) is nearing. We are very much looking forward to your submissions for oral presentations and posters.#chemistry #cheminformatics #chemsky
  • Annulation of (Trifluoromethyl)alkenes and Thioureas:Chemoselective defluorinative [3+3] annulation gives dihydropyrimidine derivativeshttps://www.chemistryviews.org/annulation-of-trifluoromethylalkenes-and-thioureas/#orgchem #pyrimidines #chemistry #chemistryviews #chemviews
  • I too printed something!(Not original, just taken off thingiverse and adjusted, resized a bit)#3DPrinting #Cookies #Chemistry #DNA
  • New paper alert. We look at how the mineral birnessite affects dissolved organic #carbon in #soil.Now you can read the paper at https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acsearthspacechem.4c00125But, even better, you can listen to it! Check out this AI-generated podcast of the paper at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONLQLCNZ5Uw#science #Chemistry
  • https://www.europesays.com/1785365/ Plastic supercapacitors could solve energy storage problems #chemistry #EarthSciences #Energy #science

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