Proteomic identification of intracellular vesicle trafficking and protein glycosylation requirements for lumen inflation in Ciona notochord

Proteomics (Wiley)

Wiley: PROTEOMICS: Table of Contents

Table of Contents for PROTEOMICS. List of articles from both the latest and EarlyView issues.

Proteomic identification of intracellular vesicle trafficking and protein glycosylation requirements for lumen inflation in Ciona notochord


Lumen formation and inflation are crucial steps for tubular organ morphogenesis, yet the underling mechanism remains largely unrevealed. Here, we applied 4D proteomics to screen the lumenogenesis-related proteins and revealed the biological pathways potentially that are involved in lumen inflation during notochord lumen formation in the ascidian Ciona savignyi. In total, 910 differentiated expressed proteins (DEPs) were identified before and after notochord lumen formation utilizing Mfuzz analysis. Those DEPs were grouped into four upregulated clusters based on their quantitative expression patterns; the functions of these proteins were enriched in protein metabolic and biosynthetic process, establishment of localization and vesicle-mediated transport. We analyzed the vesicle trafficking cluster and focused on the several vesicle transport hub proteins. In vivo function-deficient experiments showed that mutation of vesicle transport proteins resulted in an abnormal lumen in notochord development, demonstrating the crucial role of intracellular trafficking for lumen formation. Moreover, abundant extracellular matrix proteins were identified, the majority of which were predicted to be glycosylated proteins. Inhibition of glycosylation markedly reduced the lumen expansion rate in notochord cells, suggesting that protein glycosylation is essential for lumenogenesis. Overall, our study provides an invaluable resource and reveals the crucial mechanisms in lumen formation and expansion.

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Zhuqing Wang,
Zicheng Tan,
Jianqing Bi,
Amei Liu,
An Jiang,
Bo Dong
February 15, 2023