A multiparameter optimization in middle‐down analysis of monoclonal antibodies by LC–MS/MS

Journal of Mass Spectrometry

Wiley: Journal of Mass Spectrometry: Table of Contents

Table of Contents for Journal of Mass Spectrometry. List of articles from both the latest and EarlyView issues.

A multiparameter optimization in middle‐down analysis of monoclonal antibodies by LC–MS/MS


In antibody-based drug research, a complete characterization of antibody proteoforms covering both the amino acid sequence and all posttranslational modifications remains a major concern. The usual mass spectrometry-based approach to achieve this goal is bottom-up proteomics, which relies on the digestion of antibodies but does not allow the diversity of proteoforms to be assessed. Middle-down and top-down approaches have recently emerged as attractive alternatives but are not yet mastered and thus used in routine by many analytical chemistry laboratories. The work described here aims at providing guidelines to achieve the best sequence coverage for the fragmentation of intact light and heavy chains generated from a simple reduction of intact antibodies using Orbitrap mass spectrometry. Three parameters were found crucial to this aim: the use of an electron-based activation technique, the multiplex selection of precursor ions of different charge states, and the combination of replicates.

Jonathan Dhenin,
Mathieu Dupré,
Karen Druart,
Alain Krick,
Christine Mauriac,
Julia Chamot‐Rooke
February 24, 2023