Equilibrium isotope fractionation factors of the H exchange between steam and the soil clay fraction

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry

Wiley: Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: Table of Contents

Table of Contents for Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. List of articles from both the latest and EarlyView issues.

Equilibrium isotope fractionation factors of the H exchange between steam and the soil clay fraction


Steam equilibration overcomes the problem of the traditional measurements of H isotope compositions, which leave an arbitrary amount of adsorbed water in the sample, by controlling for the entire exchangeable H pool including adsorbed water and hydroxyl-H. However, the use of steam equilibration to determine nonexchangeable stable H isotope compositions in environmental media (expressed as δ
2Hn values) by mathematically eliminating the influence of exchangeable H after sample equilibration with waters of known H-isotopic composition requires the knowledge of the equilibrium isotope fractionation factor between steam-H and exchangeable H of the sample (αex-w), which is frequently unknown.


We developed a new method to determine the αex-w values for clay minerals, topsoil clay fractions and mica by manipulating the contributions of exchangeable H to the total H pool via different degrees of post-equilibration sample drying. We measured the δ
2H values of steam-equilibrated mineral and soil samples with Elemental Analyzer-Pyrolysis-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry.


The αex-w values of seven clay minerals ranged from 1.071 to 1.140 and of 19 topsoil clay fractions from 0.885 to 1.216. The αex-w value of USGS57 biotite was 0.965, of USGS58 muscovite 0.871, and of cellulose 1.175. The method did not work for kaolinite, because its small exchangeable H contribution did not respond to the selected drying conditions. Structurally different mineral groups such as two- and three-layer clay minerals or mica showed systematically different αex-w values. The αex-w value of the topsoil clay fractions correlated with the soil clay content (r=0.63, p=0.004), local mean annual temperature (r=0.68, p=0.001) and the δ
2H values of local precipitation (r=0.72, p<0.001), likely to reflect the different clay mineralogy under different weathering regimes.


Our new αex-w determination method yielded realistic results in line with the few previously published values for cellulose. The determined αex-w values were similar to the widely assumed values of 1.00 to 1.08 in the literature, suggesting that the adoption of one of these values in steam equilibration approaches is appropriate.

Stefan Merseburger,
Arnim Kessler,
Yvonne Oelmann,
Wolfgang Wilcke
February 28, 2023