Mass Spectrometry or Poetry? Why not Both?

An article in the Arizona Republic (signin required) has a report on Glendale Community College organic chemistry students writing poetry to help them deal with complex topics such as mass spectrometry and photochemical oxidation.

How about haiku? It’s short and perhaps easier to write than a sonnet or epic poem about mass spectrometry. For example, UCLA undergraduate organic chemistry has these

Mass Spectrometry–
I can’t even pronounce it
But I can do it!!!

Dreaming of pi bonds
hallucinating mass spec
ochem rules my thoughts

Look at mass spectrum
Find mass to charge ratio
And number of C

To deduce structure
Use Mass Spectrum and IR

oh in mass spectroscopy
it fits together

Spectroscopic graph
IR or mass peaks?- no clue
I got a 50

The Lutefisk website hews more to proteomics:

valleys with no peaks
the tranquil landscape
of dirty samples
    -Ioannis Papayannopoulos

maldi-tof spectra
so many peptide masses
what is all this crap
     -J. S. Richar

b and y ions
low energy CID
mystery sequence

Feel free to add your own mass spectrometry poem in the comments.