History of St. Lawrence County, New York

Our County and its people: a memorial record of St. Lawrence County, New York (1894) p. 256 Hargrave, John and Richard, twin brothers, Waddington, were born September 15, 1848. Their father was Ruther, son of Ruther Hargrave, who was born in Scotland and came to Canada in 1818, where he lived until his death in …

Fairwater Wisconsin 1853 Residents

George Williams’ census of Fairwater Wisconsin: William Hargrave household was Williams’ next entry. Hargraves is identified as a farmer from Scotland with $1200 of real estate, 80-120 acres at average values. The patent records, show a William Hargrave parcel of 160 acres in section 21. The 1862 plat map identifies a 60-acre parcel in section …