Passengers Quebec to Montreal September 1819

From ‘The Ship List’

Passengers Quebec to Montreal 1819 September

Malsham – 18th trip up, Quebec to Montreal 12th September 1819

Number Names Fare Paid Remarks

60,61,62 Joseph Hargrave & wife & James Hargrave 1/2/6 1/2/6

63,64,65 Ritter [?] Hargrave & wife & Eliz. Gouldie 1/2/6 1/2/6 Petter / Peter ?

Data from National Archives of Canada MG 28, III, 57 – Reel M-8273 vol 1

‘Ritter’ Hargrave is probably Ruther Hargrave (1788-1885) and his wife Agnes Goldie (1796-1829). He came to Quebec in 1817 and later lived in Madrid, New York. Joseph Hargrave is either Ruther’s father Joseph Hargrave (1749-1847) or his brother Joseph Hargrave (1785-1873). James Hargrave could be Ruther’s uncle or his half-brother James Hargrave (1798-1865).