Saturday Morning, June 21 1900
Horace T. Brown Is Dead
Veteran Newspaper Man Has. Passed Away
Died at His Home In This City Last Evening — He Started the Butte Miner and Has Been Connected Northwestern Newspapers for Nearly a Quarter of a Century.
H. T. Brown the veteran newspaper man died at 11:25 p. m. yesterday at his residence, 2120 Second avenue. The surviving relatives; the widow. daughter Mrs. Alexander Howie, and his sons, Horace Jr, and Waldo, were at his bedside when he passed away. The funeral arrangements will be announced later. Mr. Brown was 55 years of age and was born in Summit County, Ohio. There he received his education and when 10 years old he with his parents moved to the town or Akron of the same State. At the latter place he entered a printing office: and was employed as devil, remaining in the employment of the company until he was 16 years of age. The civil war was raging and he enlisted. During the greater part of the war he was under the command of General Sherman. While engaged in the battle of Clarksburg, he was severely wounded in the knee, the marks of which he bore to the end.
In 1867 he moved to Virginia City, Mont. He remained at that city for four years and was successful in establishing a weekly newspaper called the “Montana.” In 1870 he moved to Deer Lodge city and there brought into existence the “New North West” newspaper. After working there four years he returned to Virginia City and worked for two years more on his first newspaper. In 1876 he went to Butte and, in partnership with Captain James Mills, established the. Butte Miner, of which he acted as manager and publisher until 1886.
He and his family then moved to Spokane and Mr. Brown with Frank Dallan bought a half interest in the Review, which was bring published here. After being connected with the Review for two years the paper was sold out to a new company. Mr. Brown next went into partnership with Henry W. Greenberg and they established a job printing office on East Riverside. After dissolving partnership with Mr. Greenberg he was successful in establishing the Northern Newspaper Union, which later was sold to the American Type Founders company. Since April, 1899, he had been an employee of the Spokesman-Review.