Andries Hoppen and Geertje Hendricks

The text below is from History of Paterson and Its Environs (the Silk City): Historical- Genealogical – Biographical, Volume 2 by William Nelson Charles and Anthony Shriner, published in 1920 pages 106-111. Paragraph breaks have been added to improve readability.


“The Hopper family of Passaic and Bergen counties trace their ancestry back to Andries Hoppen or Hoppe, who came to New Netherlands about 1651 with his wife, Geertje Hendricks. Two years later he was enrolled as a burgher of New Amsterdam. He agreed and made a payment on land in Harlem, but died before the deed was passed. The name is written in the early records as Hoppen or Hoppe, indicating that it is the plural of Hop, the Dutch for the well known hop-vine.

There were four children by the marriage of Andries and Geertje (Hendricks) Hoppen, namely:

1. Catharina, married Frederick Thomas (Thomaszen).

2. Willem, born in 1654, married Meynou, daughter of Jurck Paulus, of North Albanien, but then living in New Amsterdam; he joined the church at Hackensack in 1686; the issue of this marriage was:

Geertie, married Pieter Bous;

Andries; and

Paulus, who was licensed as a carman in New York in 1719.

3. Hendrick.

4. Matthys Adolphus, baptized March 3, 1658, married Anna, daughter of Pieter Paulus, of North Albanien, May 2, 1683; he was then living at Hackensack, and he and his wife joined the Hackensack church in 1687; he settled at Polifly, next to his brother Hendrick, in or prior to 1694; the issue of his marriage was:

i. Andries, baptized April 2, 1684, married Elizabeth Bras, Aug. 12, 1710, and their children were:

Annatie, baptized Jan. 28, 1711, and

Mattias, baptized April 6, 1713.

ii. Christyna, married Johannes Huysman.

iii. Lea, married Johannes Vander Hoef.

iv. Rachel,

v. Johannes, baptized May 19, 1706.

Descendants of Andries Hoppe

Hendrick, third child of Andries and Geertje (Hendricks) Hoppe, was born in 1656. He purchased in 1694 a tract of land lying between Hackensack and Saddle rivers. He joined the Hackensack church, Sept. 22, 1694. He married Marritje Janse, daughter of Jan Van Blarcom.




Willem, baptized April 2, 1684;

Trintie, married Pieter Gerritse Van Halem;

Lea Hendrickse, married Christiaen Zaborischo;

Rachel, married Barent De Bode;


Geertruy, married Hendrick Zabrisco.

Andries, eldest child of Hendrick and Marritje Janse (Van Blarcom) Hoppe, was born Dec. 1, 1681. He married Abigal, daughter of Abraham Ackermans, and settled about the time of his marriage at Paramus on a tract of three hundred acres.


1. Hendrick.

2. Abram, born April 28, 1710.

3. Jan.

4. Aeltie, married Jan Zabrisco.

5. Willem, baptized May 20, 1716, married (first) Antje, daughter of Evert Wessels, (second) Elisabeth Wessels; there was no male issue by these marriages.

6. Maritie, married Albert Zaborisky.

7. Gerrit.

8. Davidt.

9. Lea.

Hendrick, eldest child of Andries and Abigal (Ackermans) Hoppe, was born May 21, 1708. He married, Nov. 7, 1733, Weintjen Huysman.





Altje, and


Jan, third child of Andries and Abigal (Ackermans) Hoppe, was baptized July 29, 1712. He married, April 8, 1736, Elisabeth Kip.



Andries, baptized Dec. 10, 1738, married Aeltje Ackermans, and their only child, Aeltje, was born in June, 1795.

Gerrit, seventh child of Andries and Abigal (Ackermans) Hoppe, was baptized May 22, 1720.

He married, Dec. 4, 1741, Hendrikjen Ter Heun.


1. Andries, born Nov. 19, 1742, married Trientje, and their only child, Gerrit, was baptized Sept. 4, 1774.

2. Lidea.

3. Abiguel.

Jan, second child of Hendrick and Marritje Janse (Van Blarcom) Hoppe, was baptized June 26, 1682. He married Rachel Terhuyn, in 1707, and settled near Paramus.


Maria, married Albert Westervelt;

Hendrickie, married Abraham Akkerman;

Hendrick; Antie, married Pieter Akkerman;

Albert; Trintie, married Steven Zaborisky;

Willemtie, died in infancy;

Gerrit, married Elsjin Earle;



Andries, married Marytie , and died without issue.

Hendrick, third child of Jan and Rachel (Terhuyne) Hoppe, was baptized March 30, 1712. He married, April 3, 1735, Catharina Van Houten.


Claertjen, married Hendrick Traphage;



Hendrik, born Oct. 10, 1747;


Anderis, born July 5, 1754.

Jan, of the above children, married (first) Feytye, daughter of Hessel Doremus, by whom he had six children:


Henry, died aged eighty-seven years, Jan. 27, 1854;

Hessel, baptized March 15, 1772, married Ann Dey;

Catrena, married George Ryerse;

Andries, born Sept. 28, 1777;


Pieter, fifth child of Hendrick and Catharina (Van Houten) Hoppe, married Annaatje, daughter of Hessel Doremus. He acquired a farm of about four hundred acres at Small Lots, and lived on the road easterly from the present Fifth avenue bridge.

His children were:

Gerret, baptized Feb. 16, 1770, married Dorcas Ackerman;

Geschi (Keziah), married Jacob Demarest;
Rachel, married John Voorhis;



Andries, fourth child of Pieter and Annaatje (Doremus) Hoppe, was born Oct. 4, 1777. In his day he was one of the most influential men in public affairs in the eastern portion of New Jersey. He was a captain in the Bergen county militia at the outbreak of the War of 1812, and took his company to Sandy Hook for service. Subsequently he rose to the command of a regiment of militia, and was known as Colonel Andrew P. Hopper. He was sheriff of the county in 1821-23, and member of the Assembly in 1829. He married Anna, daughter of Albert Voorhis.

Their children were:

1. Antye, married William S. Hogencamp.

2. Albert, born Dec. 30, 1799, married Elizabeth Hopper.

3. Peter, born Nov. 6, 1801, married Ann, daughter of Albert Hopper.

4. John, born Jan. 24, 1804, was elected sheriff of Bergen county in 1847, resided near the present Fifth avenue bridge,

married (first) Elizabeth B. Quackenbush,

and (second) Mary Ellen Alyea;

his children by his second wife were:

i. Adam, born April 25, 1847, married Emma Cadmus,

ii. Andrew, baptized June 26, 1849, married Anne Ward.

iii. Peter, twin with Andrew, married Lizzie Berdan.

iv. Anna Elizabeth,

v. Margaret, married Aaron V. H. Doremus.

vi. Anna, married Edo Van Riper,

vii. Schuyler, born May 21, 1859, married a daughter of John Jacobus, of Preakness.

5. Marretye, married (first) Jacob Ackerman, (second) John Hessel Doremus.

6. Caty, married John Hessel Doremus.

7. Polly, married (first) Thomas Blauvelt, (second) Abraham Haring.

8. Garret, born Nov. 4, 1813, married Jane, daughter of Casparus Wessels; he was a farmer near Small Lots, but afterwards removed to Paterson and carried on a livery stable on Hamilton street; the issue of this marriage was ten children:

i. Andrew, born April 18, 1836, married Eliza M. Bogert, by whom he had three children, as follows: Garret, born Sept. 6, 1862, Amy and Edith,

ii. Richard, born Dec. 20, 1837, died March 8, 1895, unmarried,

iii. Anna Elizabeth, married DeWitt C. Simonton.

iv. Mary Latisia, married John H. Amos.

v. Ellen Jane, died about three years of age.

vi. Peter, born May 16, 1845, married Emma Reid, and their children were: Mary Jane, married Alonzo Conner, Richard J. and Catharine A.

vii. Samuel, born April 11, 1847, carried on the livery business at Paterson.

viii. Jane Amelia, married Robert T. Amos. ix. Garret, born March 1, 1851.

x. Catharine L., married John C. Banta.

9. Andrew, born Oct. 10, 1815, died unmarried, March 2, 1835.

10. Henry, born Aug. 8, 1819; was elected sheriff of Bergen county, 1862-64, and member of the Assembly, 1869-70; he resided on the paternal homestead; he was married four times;

by his first wife, Helen (Ackerman) Hoppe, he had four children:

i. Isaac Ackerman, born April 24, 1843, married a daughter of Garret Hopper, of Paramus; he was sheriff of the county in 1892-94.

ii. Andrew, born March 4, 1845, married Mary Ann, daughter of Uriah J. Van Riper,

iii. Albert, born July 12, 1847.

lv. Peter, born April 2, 1850, married Mary, daughter of John J. Brown; he was engaged in the ice business in Paterson.

Henry Hopper married (second) Jane Vreeland;

married (third) Catharine, daughter of Henry Van Iderstine, and the issue of this marriage was:

Henry, born Feb. 7, 1857, married Emma, daughter of Jacob Cozine.

Henry Hopper married (fourth) Eliza Van Iderstine, sister of his third wife, and their children were:

i. John, born March 19, 1864, married Jane, daughter of George Hopper,

ii. Garret, born Aug. 7, 1865.

iii. Albert, born Jan. 20, 1868.

11. Keziah, married (first) George C. Brinkerhoff, (second) James Van Riper.

12. Albert, born Nov. 18, 1822, shortly after the decease of his oldest brother Albert, married Adaline, daughter of Cornelius Van Houten; he kept a dry goods store on Main street, between Broadway and Van Houten street, for many years, but finally removed to Middletown, New York.

13. Helen, married Abraham Haring.

Hendrick Hopper, fifth child of Pieter and Annaatje (Doremus) Hoppe, was baptized May 16, 1784, lived about a mile from his father’s homestead. He married Elizabeth Ackerman, a sister of his brother Gerret’s wife.


1. Peter, married Jane Demarest.

2. Abraham, married Maria Goetschius;

i. Henry, born Jan. 28, 1838, married Lavinia Baldwin,

ii. John, born Nov. 11, 1840, was killed in the Civil War.

iii. Jane.

iv. Elizabeth.

3. Garret, married Eliza Spear, and the issue of this marriage was: i. John. ii. Sophia, married Isaac Sturr. iii. Peter, born Aug. 15, 1841, married Rachel Ann Terhune. iv. Elizabeth, married Albert Bogart. v. Maria, vi. Theunice.

4. Polly, married David Alyea.

5. Caroline, died unmarried.

6. Anne, died unmarried.

Albert Hopper, fifth child of Jan and Rachel (Terhuyne) Hoppe, was baptized May 5, 1717.

He married, June 26, 1744, Rachel Alje. His will was proved July 27, 1795.

The issue of this marriage was:

1. Jan, born March 17, 1745, married Mary , and his death occurred Feb. 3,1824.

2. Marragrietje.

3. Pieter.

4. Jonathan, baptized Oct. 29, 1752, married Grietie Haring; he was a captain in the Bergen county militia; he was brutally murdered, April 21, 1779, by a band of masked Tories, in the presence of his wife and two infant children; she later removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, where the children attained prominence.

5. Margrietie.

6. Gerrit, baptized Feb. 6, 1757.

7. Abraham, baptized Nov. 19, 1758; he was a private in the Bergen county militia during the Revolution.

8. Rachel.

9. Isaac, baptized Jan. 12, 1766, married Rachel Cooper.

10. Anderis, baptized Sept. 27, 1767.

11. Marytie.

Pieter, third child of Albert and Rachel (Alje) Hopper, came from Hoppertown to Paterson when there were only six houses in the latter place. He located on Haledon avenue, and in 1801 bought a tract of fifty acres of land between Burhans lane and the brook, where he carried on a saw mill. He was a private in the Bergen county militia during the Revolution, and was known as Pieter A. Hopper.

He married Elisabeth Van Horn, and their children were:

1. Rachel.

2. Albert, baptized May 4, 1788. married (first) Jannetye, daughter of Frans Ryerson, and (second) Eliza, daughter of Johannes Speer, and widow of George W. Haines; he was a shoemaker, and died at Newark, Jan. 12, 1869;

the children of his first wife were:

i. Peter, born Oct. 16, 1816, married Hannah Stitt, and their issue was: Peter, and James,

ii. Francis, born Jan. 11, 1819, married Rachel Clearwater, and died in Mexico,

iii. Albert, born May 8, 1821, married, and died in Mexico,

iv. Eliza Jane, married William H. Lovell.

v. Rachel Leah, married James W. Darlington,

vi. Cornelius, born Feb. 15, 1829, married Ann Howard, and their children were:

Howard, born Aug. 28, 1852;


William Henry, died young;

Mary, married Andrew Thompson;

Jane, died young;

Cornelius, died in infancy, and Minnie, married Jacob Mowerson.

vii. Mary Catherine, married John William Mcintosh,

viii. Jonathan, died in infancy. Children by his second wife, Eliza (Speer-Haines) Hopper:

ix. John,died in infancy,

x. Sarah Caroline, married (first) Vreeland, (second) Bryant.

xi. George,

xii. John Andrew, born July 15, 1840.

3. Cornelius, born Nov. 9, 1790, was known as “Case” Hopper; he kept a tavern for several years on the east side of Haledon avenue, but becoming religious he retired from that business and built a substantial store dwelling opposite his old inn, and there ended his days;

he married Leah, daughter of Frans Ryerson, and their children were:

i. Eliza Jane, married John Harkness Bowman,

ii. Peter, born July 22, 1825,

married (first) Mary Amanda, daughter of James Taylor, and their children were:

George Washington, died in infancy;

Cornelius, born Dec. 27, 1851, married Bertha A. Stark, Oct. 24, 1877, and their children were: Florence, Cornelius, and Charles;

Charles, born July 17, 1854, a civil engineer, in New York;

George Washington, born Dec. 19, 1857, resided in New York; Walter, born May 1, 1861, a real estate dealer in Jersey City.

Peter Hopper married (second) Sarah Jane, daughter of William U. Hellems, and they had three children’: A daughter, died in infancy, Fannie and Irene,

iii. Rachel, married John C. Stansbury. I

v. Cornelius, born Feb. 15, 1831, married Delphine Thompson,

v. George Whitfield, resided in New York.

vi. Jonathan, born March 28, 1836, married three times, and had one child, David Burbank.

vii. Joseph, born March 26, 1838, was a member of Ninth Regiment, National Guard, New York; at the second battle of Bull Run he was left on the field in an exhausted condition, but was taken to the hospital at Alexandria and recovered; he afterwards served as a lieutenant in an artillery company at Norfolk, Virginia, until the end of the war; he died at Helena, Montana, May 16, 1890.

viii. Albert, born May 26, 1840, married May, daughter of Samuel Burhans, Dec. 9, 1863, and their children were: George, deceased; Bernard, Jennie, Mary, and Thomas.

Gerret, seventh child of Hendrick and Marritje Janse (Van Blarcom) Hopper, was baptized Dec. 25, 1696. He resided on a farm at Polifly purchased by his father in 1694. He married Catrina Cassouw.

Their children were:

1. Maria, married Isaac Van Giesen.

2. Jacob, married Cornelia, daughter of Egbert Ackerman; Jacob Hoppe, as he wrote the name, lived on the ancestral domain at Polifly; the children of this marriage were:

i. Catharina, married John Earl.

ii. Cornelius, baptized April 30, 1758, married Catrina Terhune, June 11, 1780, and the only child we have any record of was Stephen,

iii. Gerrit, baptized Nov. 9, 1760, married Antje Hennion, and the issue of this marriage was: Jacomintie, Catharine, Jacob and David,

iv. Elis, married Cornelius Terhune.

v. Hendrik.

vi. John. Hendrik, the fifth child, was born Nov. 19, 1769, and married Thynie Vreeland, and their children are:

a. Cornelia, married John Cadmus;
b. Cornelius, born Nov. 26, 1792,

married Ellen, daughter of Henry Van Houten, and their children were:

a. a. Henry, born Feb. 10, 1819, went to New Orleans, there married [Mary Anna Brown] and died [in 1892].

b. b. Cornelius, born Nov. 25, 1822, was a mason and builder in Paterson, married Ellen Doremus, Feb. 22, 1845, and the issue of this marriage was:

John, born April 21, 1846, married Mary C. Manderville, July 15, 1868;

George, born Jan. 3, 1848, married Anne C. Wilson, June 25, 1870, and he removed to Middletown, N. Y.; Ellen, died in infancy;

Anna Doremus, married Herbert Clarendon Bailey;

Charles C., married Minnie Flavel.

c. c. John, born April 19, 1825, married Sarah Vandelinde, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Vandelinde.

d. d. Ellen Catharine, married D. Warren Day.

c. Catharina, died aged about twenty years, unmarried, d. Jacob, born Nov. 15, 1804, married Rebecca Demarest, Oct. 3, 1829, and their three children were:

aa. Henry, married Margaret Stagg; daughter of John Mount, and the issue of this marriage was:

Arthur M., born June 9, 1873, and

Marian, born Sept. 15, 1875; Henry Hopper was mayor of Jersey City, 1879-80.

bb. Jemima, married John J. Slater,

cc. Silas,

e. Enoch.

John, sixth child of Jacob and Cornelia (Ackerman) Hopper, was born Nov. 27, 1774.

He married, March 24, 1799, Mary Terhune. He lived on the paternal homestead devised to him by his father. His will was proved Sept. 21, 1833.

The children by this marriage were:

1. Cornelia, married John J. Terhune.

2. Altie, married Albert A. Brinkerhoff.

3. Catharine, married Jonathan P. Hopper.

4. Albert, born Jan. 29, 1808, died May 22, 1833, unmarried.

5. Jacob, born Dec. 21, 1810, married Ann Merselis; he lived on the old homestead at Polifly, and they had two children, John and Ellen.

6. John.

7. Elizabeth, died unmarried.

8. Maria, married Henry Demarest.

9. Jane, married Dr. George Wilson.

John, the sixth of the above-named children, was born March 2, 1814. He was admitted to the bar in 1836, and practiced law in Paterson. He represented Passaic county in the State Senate, 1868-71, 1874-77; was surrogate of the county, 1845-55; prosecutor of the pleas, 1856-68, 1871-74; Paterson District Court judge, 1877-86, and president judge of the County Courts, 1886-96. He married, June 16, 1840, Mary A. Imlay.

Their children, all born in Paterson, were:

1. John Henry, born Nov. 12, 1841, married Fanny, daughter of Franklin C. Beckwith; he was connected with the silk industry of Paterson.

2. Ann Burling, died aged eighteen years.

3. Robert Imlay, born May 28, 1845, was a practicing attorney of Paterson, married Ida E., daughter of Robert S. Hughes, Dec. 6, 1876; they had one child, Ida.

4. Albert Ernest, died in infancy.

5. Mary Augusta, married Frank W. Potter.

6. James Burling, born May 26, 1850, married Antoinette Brigham, and they had one child, Louise Roosevelt.

7. Caroline Imlay.

8. Margaret Imlay, married John Boyd.

Note—In foregoing, old records have been followed as far as could be, and are accountable for various form of many names.”

Oregon Hargraves

Photograph from the John Robert Hargrave family of Hillsborough Oregon in 1901

Scanned from this photograph. On the back of the photo is written “Mrs J. R. Hargrave 1962 Oak St. Hillsboro Ore” and, in what appears to be a different hand, “1901.” John Robert Hargrave was my first cousin four times removed and the youngest son of Andrew Hargrave and a grandson of Joseph Hargrave. Mrs. J. R. Hargrave was his wife Frances Alberta Berdan who was born in 1877 and would have been 24 in 1901. It is possible that the photograph belonged to Frances but wasn’t a photograph of her. The subject of the photograph may be John’s sister Margaret or Janet who were in their 40s/50s and possibly living with John’s family in 1901.