Our County and its people: a memorial record of St. Lawrence County, New York (1894)
p. 256
Hargrave, John and Richard, twin brothers, Waddington, were born September 15, 1848. Their father was Ruther, son of Ruther Hargrave, who was born in Scotland and came to Canada in 1818, where he lived until his death in 1845. Ruther Hargrave, jr., was born in Scotland in 1788, and married there, Agnes Goldy, by whom he had nine children. In 1819 he came to Waddington, and here spent the remainder of his days. He settled the farm now owned by John and Richard Hargrave. He married second, Margaret, daughter of John Rutherford, and they had twelve children. Mr. Hargrave was one of the original members and helped establish the church. He died in 1879 and his wife in 1885. John and Richard Hargrave were reared on the farm they own and educated in the common schools of Waddington. They have always been engaged in farming, and own 196 acres of land and keep a dairy of twenty-two cows. They are Republicans in politics, and attend and support the Scotch Presbyterian church. They have one brother, James, who was born in Waddington, August 25, 1837. He has been a Mason for twenty-three years. At present he is a farmer, having 220 acres of land and keeps a dairy of twenty-two cows. He married Catherine, daughter of John W. Rutherford, and they have these children: Jennie B., Helen H., Louis, Albert, Edwin, Roberston, Edith and Ralph H. Mr. Hargrave is a Repub- lican, and he and wife are members of the Scotch Presbyterian church.
Compare to “The Hargrave Family 1749–1923”
Ruther Hargrave (son of Joseph Hargrave and Mary Melrose?[question mark in original document]) was born February 14, 1788 in Kelso, Roxburghshire, Scotland. He came to Beech Ridge, Quebec, Canada in 1817. He married Agnes Goldie who died in 1831. Four daughters and two sons were born to this union.
Joseph Hargrave
Janet Hargrave
Mary Hargrave
John Hargrave
Agnes Hargrave
Hannah HargraveRuther Hargrave married a second time, Margaret Rutherford of Madrid, New York, U.S.A. She was born August 24, 1813 and died April 16, 1885. They lived in Madrid, New York, U.S.A. Five daughters and six sons were born to this union.
Margaret Hargrave
Ruther Hargrave
Margaret Hargrave
William Hargrave
James Hargrave
Dorothy Hargrave
Andrew Hargrave
Jane Hargrave
Richard Hargrave
John Hargrave
Margraret Hargrave
Here it is Joseph – Ruther – John/Richard and not Ruther – Ruther – John/Richard