Sinking of the Tug Clevelend

History of the Marine Brigade, p 276

The 23rd [of April, 1863] was an unfortunate day for the fleet. During that day, the [Steamer] Diana ran aground, and the tug Cleveland was sunk by running across the bows of the Diana, in an attempt to run alongside of her while she was still under way. The competent sailing master of the Autocrat, Samuel Henecks, at once set about the difficult task of raising the tug, and the following day had her again afloat. While lying at this point a large quantity of lumber, which had been worked up in a sawmill near by, was confiscated and brought to the boats. Early on the morning of the 25th, the fleet sailed again down stream. Landing at Clifton, which seemed to be a guerrilla rallying center, the infantry was put ashore and went into the country a distance of some four or five miles, but failed to find the enemy – reported to be in this section in some force. Upon this trip a large distillery was found and burned.